New Program Ideas – The Department is receptive to suggestions for new programs or improvements. Please feel free to email or call the Recreation Director (262) 949-4232 or [email protected]
Registration Information–
Mail to: Eagle Recreation Department, PO BOX 575, Eagle WI 53119.
Eagle Recreation Office Hours: Tuesday – Thursday 9am – 11am. 820 E Main Street, Eagle WI.
Town or Village Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8am to 4pm; Friday 8am – 1pm. 820 E Main Street, Eagle WI.
After hours: You may bring payments to 820 E Main Street, Eagle WI. Please drop your payment in the Eagle Recreation office door slot if the building is open, or in the 24-hour drop box located outside the building. The box is labeled for Village Water Bills; it is suitable to leave Recreation payments there.
Please return registration forms by designated dates. Some classes do have a limit and may be filled quickly. Fill out registration forms completely and clearly. The waiver MUST be signed by an adult.
Minimum Enrollments – If a program has not met their minimum enrollment they will be cancelled. Notifications will be made as soon as possible. In the event that the class is cancelled each individual will receive a full refund.
Americans with Disabilities Act
The Town and Village of Eagle Recreation Department actively seeks and supports participation by persons with disabilities in our recreational programs and services. It is the policy of the Town and Village of Eagle Recreation Department that no person will be excluded from participation, denied any benefit, or subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, handicap, and/or disability.
Lost/Stolen Items Policy
The Eagle Recreation Department is not responsible for personal equipment, clothing, etc. that may be lost or stolen during participation in any sponsored activity. Please check with the Eagle Recreation Office.
New Program Ideas
The Town and Village of Eagle Recreation Department is receptive to suggestions for organizing additional classes and any other activities that are not offered at this time. Suggestions for new programs or improvements of existing programs should be presented to the Recreation Director.
Inclement Weather Policy
Please be advised that if the Palmyra-Eagle School District is closed, the Recreation Department is closed. You will not receive a phone call! When the make-up class has been rescheduled you will receive a phone call. Please check the Eagle Recreation Facebook page for cancellations due to inclement weather.
Spectators Policy
In an effort to provide the safest environment for the Town and Village of Eagle Recreation Programs, spectators will be held to the highest level of conduct and behavior. Those who do not meet those standards will be first warned by the officials. The second offense spectators can and will be asked to leave the site.